Animal Success Stories

Success Stories

We are very pleased to share the story of our dog’s forever home and to know that we helped guide these dogs into a bright future. Each and every creature deserves to be appreciated and loved. That is what rescue work is all about.

We LOVE photos of how our Mo-Kan Alumni are doing!  Please send us photos and a short update on how you are all doing!
Please include when adopted and if they were listed under a former name.
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Heidi (2021)

Heidi (Adopted 10/2021)

Little Miss Heidi joined her forever family October 10th!  Everyone was so excited to welcome her...even her mini Aussie  sister and her big kitty cat brother.

Heidi's dad is a firefighter, so she will get to spend time with him at the firehouse and meet lots of new people. You've come such a long way, sweet little girl! Enjoy being kept safe and unconditionally loved!

Gus (2021)

Gus (adopted 10/2021)

Gus is off to lots of new adventures.  Happy ever after Gus!

Mocha Joe

Mocha Joe (adopted 10/2021)

Mocha Joe has found the perfect active couple, Aubrey and Jordan, who are ready to have a friend to take on adventures!  Have fun Mocha Joe!


Basil (Adopted 9/2021)

Basil (now known as Gizmo) was adopted by Jacob and Shon at GD Farm where he will get to run with goats and chickens!


Luka (Adopted 9/2021)

Luka, now known as Milo, was adopted buy Sarah and Jace. Milo has a new big sister Navi to play with!

Click a letter to find an animal or view all.
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