Why Should I Adopt a Senior Dog?
Many people automatically think of a puppy when they think of adopting a dog. Puppies are warm and cuddly, and everyone wants to hold and pet them. But puppies demand patience and energy to help them become wonderful family members and companions. Older dogs, however, can be as cute and lovable as puppies, and they often come with many wonderful qualities that puppies take years to grow into. Maybe you are reluctant to adopt a senior dog because you fear that your time with your new best friend will be short, bringing that painful time of loss closer. But the privilege of loving a senior dog makes every single day special, as you and your companion share love, friendship, and a special relationship that grows stronger with the knowledge that you have given this fine old dog a second chance at life. The love that grows from this knowledge is stronger than the pain of eventual separation. So spread the word! Adopting a senior dog is a wonderful experience for you and your new dog. You will gain a faithful companion. You will save a life. And don't forget, senior dogs and senior people bring out the best in each other. Old dogs make great friends!
Reasons to Adopt a Senior Dog
Used with permission from Sanctuary for Senior Dogs... |